- Why do you use frozen fruit?
- We believe that the nutritional content of frozen fruit is higher than fresh fruit that has been stored for long periods of time and transported over long distances. We believe the transport of frozen fruit is more efficient and sustainable. We believe that frozen fruit produces a more delicious and consistent product.
- Why so much fat?
- We believe that fat coming from healthy sources such as butter and cream from grass fed cows, grass fed beef, pasture raised eggs, avocados, coconut oil, olive oil, and nuts contribute nutrients that lead towards health and wellness. We also believe that fats help buffer the body’s insulin response to eating carbohydrates, and that the unchecked insulin response to eating carbohydrates, especially sugar, leads to inflammation and detracts from health and wellness. Have fats coming from healthy sources made people fat? We don’t know but we put the blame on sugars, processed carbohydrates, and other processed foods. We suspect that no one has ever become obese by eating healthy, natural, real food regardless of quantity.
- Why do you report that you are trying to keep your ingredients to natural, whole foods but use protein powders and supplements?
- We try and use the highest quality protein powders and supplements. We believe that some of our customer’s health and wellness is benefited by additional macronutrients, and protein powder is the most effective way to deliver the additional macronutrients. The supplements we offer are for individuals who believe their use will be of benefit to their pursuits.
- Why didn’t you source studies or articles on nutrition?
- It seems like every study on nutrition that finds one thing can be contradicted by another study that finds something else. We choose to believe that the products we serve contribute to health and wellness. If you feel the same way, we’d love to have you!! If you are not sure but want to try, we’d love to have you!! If you don’t agree but think our food is delicious, we’d love to have you!! Everybody has a different opinion on what is healthy. This is ours and we would love to share it with you.
- Are you paleo?
- We have some menu items that could be considered paleo but we believe that paleo is a misnomer. Some food choices that are considered paleo today would not have made the plate of a caveman and the food that could have made it to a neanderthal’s table probably has a completely different nutritional profile due to changes in agriculture production with the modernization of the world. We also believe that the human body has adapted to consume a wide variety of food. Humans in certain groups in Africa consume large quantities of milk. Humans in certain groups of Asia consume almost no dairy and are lactose intolerant. Humans have evolved. According to Weston Price, humans have evolved and adapted to a wide range of diets, just not the modern Western diet.
- Why don’t you locally source more?
*Nothing on this website has been approved by the FDA, doctors, or nutritionists. No one at Cafe Red Point is a medical doctor or nutritionist. Cafe Red Point is only stating what they believe to be true, and again, we are not doctors nor nutritionists. Please consult with your medical provider for your nutritional requirements.